Can a Horrible Boss Be a Great Leader? 惡老闆會是好的領導者嗎?
Daniel Barenboim Seemed Untouchable. Now He’s Accused of Bullying. 全球出名指揮家之一 指揮大師巴倫波被指霸凌 | |||
文/Alex Marshall and Christ | |||
譯/李京倫 Daniel Barenboim, one of the world’s most celebrated conductors, is known for doing what he wants. 巴倫波因是全球最出名的指揮家之一,以敢於做他想做的事聞名。 Barenboim, 76, has long been considered untouchable in Berlin, where he is music director of the Staatsoper — the city’s premier opera house — and principal conductor for life of its orchestra, the Staatskapelle. He is close to city politicians and has used his influence to ensure the opera company receives a healthy annual subsidy of 50.4 million euros ($57.4 million) from Berlin’s government. 76歲的巴倫波因在柏林向來被認為批評不得,他是柏林頂尖歌劇院「柏林國立歌劇院」的音樂總監,也是這家歌劇院管弦樂團「柏林國立樂團」的終身首席指揮。他與柏林政界人物熟識,並運用影響力確保歌劇院每年從柏林市府得到可觀的5040萬歐元(5740萬美元,約合台幣18億元)補助款。 But cracks have begun to emerge in the conductor’s image as Barenboim has been accused of bullying and humiliating members of the Staatskapelle. The accusations have been reported widely in German media, and there have been calls for politicians to intervene. 不過,由於巴倫波因被控欺負和羞辱柏林國立樂團團員,這位指揮家的形象已開始出現瑕疵。這些指控受到德國媒體廣為報導,有人呼籲政界介入。 The New York Times has communicated with seven former or current members of the Staatskapelle. All highlighted examples of Barenboim’s behavior that they said was bullying and went beyond what was normal for a conductor. 紐約時報與柏林國立樂團七名前任與現任團員聯繫,七人全都舉出巴倫波因行為的明顯案例,認為這是霸凌,踰越了指揮家的正常分際。 Barenboim dismissed the accusations. In an email exchange with The Times, he denied bullying anyone. “Bullying and humiliating someone,” he wrote, “implies the intention of wanting to cause someone hurt, of taking pleasure in it, even. This is not in my character.” 巴倫波因駁斥這些指控。他與紐時通電郵時否認曾經欺負任何人,他寫道:「欺負和羞辱某人,意味著有心想讓某人受傷,甚至以此為樂。這不是我的作風。」 Highhanded behavior was common in conductors of the last century, with maestros like Arturo Toscanini and Georg Solti known as harsh taskmasters. 專橫行為在上個世紀的指揮家之中常見,托斯卡尼尼和蕭提等指揮名家就以指派繁重任務且要求嚴格著稱。 “The issue is not personal, but a question of how orchestras are run in the 21st century,” Martin Reinhardt, a trombonist in the Copenhagen Philharmonic who played in the Staatskapelle and has openly criticized Barenboim’s behavior, said in a statement. 丹麥哥本哈根愛樂管弦樂團長號手萊因哈特曾在柏林國立樂團任職,並公開批評過巴倫波因的行為,他發表聲明說:「這並非私人議題,而是21世紀管弦樂團如何經營的問題。」 Barenboim said that the accusations were part of a campaign to stop him from continuing as music director of the Staatsoper. “The fact these allegations have surfaced now, just as I am in negotiations about renewing my contract beyond 2022,” he wrote in the email exchange, “makes me wonder: If people were indeed hurt, as they claim to have been, why speak about it now, at this precise moment? 巴倫波因說,這些指控是宣傳活動的一部分,意在阻止他續任柏林國立歌劇院音樂總監。他在電郵中寫道:「這些指控就在我洽談2022年之後續簽合約的當下出現,這讓我納悶,如果人們真的如他們宣稱的受了傷,為什麼要到這個不早不晚的時機才講出來?」 Barenboim acknowledged that the world is changing. “That is generally a good thing,” he said. But, he added, “an orchestra cannot function if every tempo, every dynamic is put up for a democratic vote. Somebody has to lead, take decisions and be ultimately responsible.” 巴倫波因承認世界正在改變,他說「這基本上是好事」,不過他接著又說,「如果每個拍子、每個力度都要交付民主表決,管弦樂團沒法運作。總有人要帶頭、做決定,並負起最終責任」。 |