Can a Horrible Boss Be a Great Leader? 惡老闆會是好的領導者嗎?
Can a Horrible Boss Be a Great Leader? 惡老闆會是好的領導者嗎? 文/Bret Stephens 譯/陳韋廷 On June 26, 1940, as Britain was girding for the onslaught of the Luftwaffe after the fall of France, Clementine Churchill wrote her husband, Winston, an admonishing note. 1940年6月26日,當英國在法國淪陷後對納粹德國空軍的猛攻做準備時,克萊門汀·邱吉爾寫給她的丈夫溫斯頓一封勸告信。 “There is a danger of your being generally disliked by your colleagues and subordinates because of your rough, sarcastic and overbearing manner,” she warned the prime minister, who was otherwise preoccupied by the prospect of imminent Nazi invasion, a scheming foreign secretary, a restive backbench and the absence of material support from the United States. 她警告正心繫著納粹即將入侵的前景、工於心計的外務大臣、難以駕馭的國會,以及未獲美國物資支援的首相說:「你可能會因為你粗暴、尖刻且咄咄逼人的態度而被同事跟下屬普遍厭惡。」